How to Do Meat Fondue

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Things You'll Need

  • Kitchen knife

  • Fondue pot

  • Cooking oil (vegetable, canola or peanut)

  • Fondue forks

Serve meat fondue at your next dinner party.

Serving fondue is a great way to boost conversation at your next dinner party or social gathering because it brings guests together around the fondue pot to participate in cooking their food. Meat fondue, also known as Fondue Bourguignonne, is an oil-based cooking method that can be used to prepare any combination of beef, pork, chicken or seafood. Serve Fondue Bourguignonne as an appetizer or as a main entree with a side salad or vegetable platter and bread.


Step 1

Trim the fat from the meat using a kitchen knife. Cut the meat into small cubes. Marinate or season the meat as desired. Store it in the refrigerator until ready to serve.

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Step 2

Place the fondue pot on the stove and add cooking oil. The amount of oil to add varies based on the size of your fondue pot, so refer to your owner's manual for guidelines. Heat until the oil reaches 375 degrees F. Use a meat thermometer to check the oil temperature. Remove the fondue pot and place it on the fondue pot holder or stand.

Step 3

Light the fondue pot candles or turn on the heating element that came with your fondue pot to maintain the cooking oil temperature.

Step 4

Remove the meat from refrigerator and pat it down with a paper towel before cooking to soak up any excess moisture.


Step 5

Place one meat cube on a fondue fork. Place the fork into the fondue pot. Allow the meat to cook for the recommended time in the owner's manual. In most cases, leave beef in for up to 45 seconds, pork for one minute, chicken for two minutes, lamb for one minute, fish for one minute and seafood for about three minutes.


If you don't have a meat thermometer, check the oil temperature by placing a piece of bread into the fondue pot. The bread should turn golden brown within 30 seconds.


Too many fondue forks placed into the fondue pot at one time can cause the oil temperature to cool quickly. Refer to the cooking instructions in your owner's manual to determine how many forks can be used at one time.


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