How to Hand Sew Patches Onto a Uniform

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Things You'll Need

  • Scissors

  • Needle

  • Thread

  • Safety pins

Boy Scouts, military personal and even uniformed employees all usually sport at least one or two patches on their uniforms. As their positions change, they earn honors or their uniform experiences normal wear and tear, they find themselves needing to sew patches onto their uniform. Hand-sewing patches onto a uniform is the only option you have if you don't have a sewing machine and don't want to purchase or borrow one. However, hand-sewing patches is a simple process that doesn't require previous sewing experience to be finished successfully.


Step 1

Cut a length of thread roughly twice as long as the distance from your fingertips to your elbow.

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Step 2

Thread one end of the thread through the eye of your needle. Bring the ends of the thread together. Wrap both ends of the thread, together, around your index and middle finger to form a loop. Push the ends of the thread through the loop and pull to tie a knot at the end of the thread. Repeat the knot process once more.

Step 3

Secure the patch onto the uniform with safety pins to hold it in place while you sew it with the needle and thread.

Step 4

Push the needle and thread through the uniform and patch from the inside of the uniform to the outside. You want the needle and thread to come through the patch right up against the stitching that goes around the edge of the patch. Pull the entire length of the thread through to the outside of the uniform.


Step 5

Push the needle and thread back to the inside of the uniform by bringing the needle over the edge of the patch and pushing it through the uniform right against the edge of the patch. Pull the whole length of thread through to the inside of the uniform.

Step 6

Push the needle and thread through the uniform and patch again, same as you did the first time, an 1/8 of an inch over from the first place you pushed it through. Continue stitching your way around the edge of the patch in this manner.


Step 7

Push the needle and thread through to the inside of the uniform, once you made if all the way around, and cut the needle from the thread. Tie the thread in a double knot the same as you did to start. Trim the tails of the knot.


Tie the thread off in a knot on the inside of the uniform and rethread your needle if the first length of thread is not enough to make it all the way around the patch. You don't want to use a longer length of thread for larger patches as the thread with get twisted and knotted as you try to sew your way around the patch. It is better to work with several shorter lengths of thread rather than one longer length.


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