How to Keep Sheet Moss Green

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Sheet moss (Hypnum) grows naturally on the floor of warm moist forests where the soil is sandy and acidic. It draws moisture from the air so all it needs is something to cling to and the right growing conditions to thrive. Sheet moss is often used between paving stones and in shady gardens because it can handle light foot traffic and dappled shade. Also, it is often used in crafts such as floral arrangements and dish gardens. When sheet moss is purchased, it is usually in its dormant state and requires treatment to become green.


Step 1

Place sheet moss in a location that is 60 to 85 degrees F, or room temperature if you are growing the sheet moss indoors. The indoor location should not be in direct sunlight. A brightly lit area away from direct sun is preferred. If sheet moss is growing outdoors, be sure it is located in dense shade. It cannot thrive where is is exposed to direct sunlight during the day.

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Step 2

Fill a mister with water for misting the sheet moss indoors. For sheet moss growing outdoors, attach a watering device with a mister setting to the garden hose.

Step 3

Mist the sheet moss growing indoors with water until it is soaking wet. It will become green within a few minutes. Mist as often as needed to keep it looking green and fresh. If the sheet moss is outdoors, water the sheet moss with the misting attachment on the water hose. The sheet moss should remain damp, but not soaking wet. Water as often as needed to keep it green and fresh, especially during the hottest part of the summer. It should remain green during the winter without additional moisture.

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