How to Keep Cookie Dough From Sticking to a Surface Without Using Lots of Flour

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Things You'll Need

  • Cookie dough

  • Non-stick spray

  • Parchment paper

Sticky cookie dough can be refrigerated to make it firmer.

Sticky cookie dough can make a big mess when you are baking cookies. Dough that sticks to the counter or rolling pin can tear or stretch in undesirable ways. When dough sticks to cookie cutters, the cookie shapes can be ruined and the cutters can be much more difficult to clean. Adding more flour to the dough is an option, but too much flour makes cookies brittle and hard. Fortunately, there are a few easy steps you can follow to make sure that your cookie dough doesn't stick to surfaces while you're making it.


Step 1

Refrigerate the dough. Cold dough is less sticky than warm dough. Chill your dough for 15 to 30 minutes before rolling it.

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Step 2

Work small amounts of dough at a time. Cut your dough into a few pieces and work them one at a time. Store the dough that you are not using in the refrigerator to keep it cold until you need it.

Step 3

Use non-stick cooking spray. Spray your counter top, rolling pin, hands and cookie cutters with non-stick spray. This will keep the dough from sticking and will keep all of your surfaces clean without having to sprinkle more flour on the dough.

Step 4

If your dough is sticking to the counter and rolling pin even with non-stick spray, try rolling between parchment paper. Tear off two equally sized pieces of parchment paper, approximately 12 inches by 12 inches, and set one piece down on the counter in front of you. Put your dough on top of the paper, and then set the second piece on top of the dough. Roll over the top piece of paper to flatten out your dough. When it is the desired thickness, peel off the top sheet and cut your cookies.


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