How to Keep Tall Candles Straight in Holders

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You can keep tall candles straight in holders.
Image Credit: LUMIKK555/iStock/GettyImages

Tall candles in individual taper candle holders or beautiful candelabras add an elegant touch to your home. They serve both a decorative and functional purpose and make an ordinary day feel like a special occasion. The problem with taper candles is that they have a tendency to tilt or fall out of their holders. Tilted candles drip hot wax, increasing the risk of fire, so keeping candles straight in their holders is an important safety precaution.


Things You'll Need

  • Microwavable bowl

  • Paper towel

  • Aluminum foil

  • Scissors

  • Matches

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Too Big for the Candle Holder/Adapter

Step 1: Soften the Wax

Heat 1/2 cup of water in a microwavable bowl for 45 seconds on the "High" temperature setting. Carefully remove the bowl from the microwave. Hold the bottom inch of the taper candle in the warm water to soften the wax.

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Step 2: Push into the Holder

Push the softened candle base into the candle holder. If sufficiently softened, the wax is easy to manipulate into the candle holder. Ensure the candle is straight and allow it to sit about five minutes or until the wax becomes firm.

Step 3: Remove Excess Wax

Wipe around the candle holder to remove any excess wax that was pushed off the base of the taper candle as you pushed it into the holder. Discard the wax and paper towel.


Step 4: Shave the Bottom

Shave a little at a time from around the base if a candle base is still too big for the holder. Allow the wax to cool and harden first, then use a paring knife and check often to get the correct fit.

Step 5: Repeat the Steps

Repeat the first three steps after shaving the candle base. Test the size against the holder before heating and softening the bottom of the candle. Insert into the candle holder and keep the candle upright until the wax hardens.


Too Small for Taper Candle Holders

Step 1: Cut a Strip of Foil

Cut a three-inch wide strip of aluminum foil. Fold the foil three times to create an inch-wide strip.

Step 2: Wrap the Candle Bottom

Wrap the 1-inch-wide folded foil strip around the bottom inch of the taper candle. Insert the taper into the holder to determine if you've used enough or too much foil to widen the base. Adjust accordingly by adding more foil or removing foil to give the taper a secure fit. Alternately, use adhesive tape and wrap it around the bottom of the candle several times.


Step 3: Melt Some Wax

Light the candle and hold it over the inside of the candle holder to allow a few drops of melted wax to fall into the bottom of the candle holder. Immediately blow out the flame and place the candle into the holder so the melted wax in the bottom can help secure the candle in a straight position.


Step 4: Try Some Tacky Wax

Add a little sticky wax, called tacky wax, to help candles stand straight in taper candle holders that don't quite fit the diameter of the candle bottom. Insert the bottom of the candle into the candle holder and hold in place until the wax hardens.


Use caution when using candles for light, scent or a romantic moment. Burning candles should never be left unattended. Also keep burning candles and matches or lighters out of the reach of children and pets.

