How to Make a Sewing Machine Tote

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A tote is an easy and convenient way to carry your portable sewing machine.

A portable sewing machine, unlike one that is mounted in a cabinet, is a useful and handy tool for the home sewer and can be used just about anywhere where there is an electrical outlet. You can pick it up and move it to any room in the house or even take it over to your neighbor's house. If you have a portable sewing machine it will be easier to carry if you make a sewing machine tote bag. Making a sewing machine tote can be a fun and rewarding project. Your finished project will give you a safe way to transport your machine to wherever you want to use it.


Step 1

Wash and iron the heavy weight fabric. Lay out the material on a cutting table with right sides together so that it is smooth and flat, and ready for pattern pieces to be pinned on.

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Step 2

Prepare your sewing machine by filling the bobbin and threading the machine with the same color of thread that will match the fabric. Holding the top thread with your left hand, rotate the hand wheel on the machine with your right hand so the needle does down into the pressure plate throat and back up again, pulling bobbin thread up with it. Continue to pull a few inches of both threads toward the back and to the right of the machine.

Step 3

Place the pattern pieces onto the fabric according to instructions on how to lay the pattern out on your fabric dimensions. Pin the pattern pieces with straight pins to hold them into place while you cut them. Use a marking pen to mark pattern pieces as directed, if needed.

Step 4

Sew all of your cut out pattern pieces for the tote body together according to the sewing instructions that are written on the pattern. Closely follow the instructions on the pattern and use the proper seam allowance recommended on the pattern directions.


Step 5

Trim the seam allowances to make a 1/4-inch seam. Turn the stitched pieces so that they are right side out, as shown on the pattern and finish the tote body following the pattern instructions.

Step 6

Sew the contrasting handle pieces, right sides together, leaving the ends open for easy turning. Turn the handles so that the right sides of the material are out. Follow the instructions on the pattern for attaching the contrasting handles to the tote body to complete the tote.


Quilted fabric can also be used to make a strong and sturdy sewing machine tote.


If the material you choose is very thin, lightweight and flimsy, the machine may drop through when you carry it by the handle.

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