How to Landscape Under a Bay Window

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Things You'll Need

  • Camera

  • Photographs

  • Rubber cement/ removable tape

  • Soil test kit

  • Plants

  • Water

  • Drip irrigation kit

  • Garden spade

  • Garden gloves

Bay windows offer a Victorian flair to a home.

When landscaping under a bay window, it is important to plan ahead. Before choosing plants to use in your landscape, determine how much sun or shade will be available. Place plants at least 2 feet away from your bay window to provide adequate space for them to grow. Landscape plants under a bay window should blend with your surrounding plants to create an exterior that is visually pleasing. Plant flowers that attract butterflies and hummingbirds to enjoy the view from your bay window.


Step 1

Plan ahead. Take a picture of the exterior of your bay window. Cut out various photos of plants that you are considering using in your landscape. Use rubber cement or removable tape to place the cutouts onto the picture of the exterior of your bay window. Rearrange them until you are happy with the placement of your plants.

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Step 2

Prepare the area by removing grass and weeds. Use a soil test kit to determine the pH level of the soil under your bay window. This test kit will indicate the level of minerals and nutrients in the soil as well. Soil home test kits are available at your local home improvement store and online.


Step 3

Choose plants that will flourish in your plant hardiness zone. Look for dwarf plants that grow to a maximum size of 2 to 4 feet. This will keep pruning to a minimum. Evergreen plants thrive in all seasons and are ideal for bay window landscapes.

Step 4

Choose proper placement for plants under a bay window. Create two to three rows of plants, placing the taller plants in the back. Allow plenty of space between each plant for room to grow and to avoid overcrowding. Place plants closer together to create a hedge. To avoid damage to the foundation of your home, choose plants that do not have invasive root systems.


Step 5

Ensure proper moisture. For healthy plants, water is a must. Water your plants in the morning to avoid evaporation. Use a drip irrigation kit to conform to your landscape. This will provide moisture to your plants and prevent water splatter on your bay window.


Wear garden gloves to protect your hands. Consult a plant hardiness zone map to find plants that will thrive in your area.


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