How to Mix Meyenberg Evaporated Goat Milk for Infants

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Things You'll Need

  • 12 oz. Meyenberg Evaporated Goat's Milk

  • 24 oz. water

  • Spoon

  • 12 1/2 tsp. rice syrup

  • Sterilized bottles

Dilute goat's milk before you give it to your baby.

Meyenberg's Evaporated Goat Milk is ideal for children with lactose intolerance. Infants, however, are not yet ready to digest whole goat milk (or cow's milk) until they are at least 12 months old. According to pediatrician William Sears, to make Meyenberg Evaporated Goat Milk suitable for infants, you must dilute it and add a carbohydrate -- essential for early development. As the baby ages, you may increase the concentration until they are drinking whole goat milk.


Step 1

Mix 12 oz. of Meyenberg Evaporated Goat Milk with 24 oz. of water. Stir well.

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Step 2

Add 12 1/2 tsp. of rice syrup. Stir well.

Step 3

Pour the formula in sterilized bottles, store in the refrigerator and use it within the week.

Step 4

Each month, reduce the amount of water by 1 oz. and the amount of rice syrup by 1 tsp. added to the evaporated goat's milk over the next year. For example, after one month of the above formula, reduce the water and rice syrup so the formula is 12 oz. of goat's milk, 11 oz. of water and 11 1/2 tsp. of rice syrup. By the end of the year, your baby should be drinking whole goat's milk.


Sterilize all bottles, nipples, mixing bowls and spoons before use.

The above formula contains 20 calories per ounce. The rice syrup itself contains 42 calories per tablespoon. For higher caloric content, consider switching to corn syrup (60 calories per tablespoon) or table sugar (48 calories per tablespoon).

Always consult your infant's personal pediatrician before switching to goat's milk. He or she will likely recommend a vitamin supplement in addition to the goat's milk formula.


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