How to Find Angles With a Folding Ruler

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Plumbers and carpenters rely on folding rulers to find angles.

Home building and repair work often deals with angles. Plumbers and carpenters must work with and around these angles, even replacing pipes that must be bent at an angle to fit. The folding ruler is a common tool for measuring length, but it can also be used to measure these angles on the go.


How to Find the Angle with a Folding Ruler

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Step 1

Take out your folding ruler. Pull open the first two segments of the ruler. Hold the open segment of the ruler against the angle you want to measure.

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Step 2

Bend the first segment to match the angle. The first and second segments will act as mirror images of your angle.

Step 3

Pull open the third segment. Don't lose your angle while opening this segment.

Step 4

Fold the second segment in until the tip of the ruler touches the third segment. Take note of the number this end touches. Fold up your ruler.


Re-finding the Angle You Measured

Step 1

Pull open the first three segments of the folding ruler. Fold the second segment in on itself. At the same time bend the first segment in on itself.

Step 2

Line up the end of the ruler with the number you noted when first matching that angle.

Step 3

Pull open the second segment of the ruler. Trace your angle from the ruler.


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