How to Dye White Fabric Black

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If you've thought about changing the color of your fabric but it seemed too hard, think again. Fabric dyeing white clothing is a simple process. With a a pot, hot water and dye, you won't have to look any further for the shade of black you want.


  • Make sure that the fabric has been washed before dyeing.

Choose the Correct Fabric

There is a broad selection of natural and synthetic fabric to choose from. Each fabric retains dye differently. Natural fabrics include cotton, silk, hemp, linen, and wool. Some of the synthetic fabrics are rayon, nylon, spandex, and polyester. Natural fibers like cotton and wool are generally easier to dye than synthetic fabrics. They absorb the dye more readily. Synthetic fabric is man-made and sometimes contains chemicals that make it stain resistant. If you do not have natural fabric to work with, you can purchase dye for synthetic fabrics. Review the recommended cleaning method for the fabric. This will help you determine which dyeing process will work for your garment.


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Dye Fabric With Store-Bought Fabric Dye

Fabric dyes come in different varieties. To dye white fabric black, you need to heat water on a stove top until it starts to boil, add black dye, and your fabric to it. The fabric will need to sit for 30 minutes to 1 hour according to the instructions of the fabric dye you use. You will need to rinse the fabric out after you are done to make sure it doesn't bleed in the wash. This method works well for dyeing clothing such as pants.

You may have seen tie dye on T-shirts and sheets. In the past people dipped fabric into buckets of dye. Now there is a simpler method to complete the process. You can purchase a kit or a single bottle to dye your fabric black. The dye is pre-packaged in a squirt bottle and you will only need to add water to it. Fold and tie off parts of the shirt that you want to keep white with rubber bands and squirt the dye onto the rest of the shirt. Most tie dye kits require you to place the dyed garment into a plastic bag so the dye can set for up to 24 hours before rinsing.


Dye Fabric With Markers

Fabric markers and pens will allow you to more easily dye a small area rather than coloring the entire fabric black. Use fabric markers for better accuracy so you don't dye the wrong part of the fabric if you are not dyeing the whole garment. If you don't have a fabric marker, you can also use a permanent marker and rubbing alcohol.


Home-made Fabric Dye

If you have allergies or environmental concerns, you can make a natural dye. One method will require you to use Rocky Mountain bee plant leaves, aluminum ammonium sulfate and cream of tartar. Alternately, you can use berries and fruit to dye your fabric. Blackberries can be used to create a black fabric dye.

