How to Protect Hostas From Rabbits & Deer

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Things You'll Need

  • 3 habanero or jalapeno peppers

  • Food processor

  • cheesecloth

  • 1 quart glass jar

  • School or craft glue

  • Liquid dish detergent

  • Spray bottle

  • 2 eggs

  • Blender

  • Gallon-size spray bottle

Hostas sometimes are eaten by rabbits and deer.

Hostas are beautiful plants to grow in flower beds and in front of homes. Their leaves and light purple flowers are quite attractive – even to deer and rabbits, who will eat them if they are easily accessible. There are a few safe methods you can use to help keep the hungry critters at bay without completely caging in in your flower bed.


Step 1

Place the hot peppers in the food processor. Add a tablespoon or two of water. Place the lid on the food processor and turn it on, liquifying the hot peppers.

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Step 2

Place a small piece of cheesecloth or mesh over the open top of the glass quart jar. Pour the hot pepper mixture through the cheesecloth, allowing the liquid to collect in the jar. Press the pepper pieces against a side of the jar with a spoon to squeeze out any remaining juice. Discard the pepper pieces and cheesecloth once all the juice has been extracted.

Step 3

Add 2 tbsp. olive oil to the pepper juice. Squirt in a drop or two of school glue and about the same amount of liquid dish soap. Stir the mixture with a spoon. The glue and dish soap help the mixture cling to the plant and last longer.

Step 4

Hot pepper juice repels deer and rabbits.

Place some of this mixture into a clean spray bottle and add 10 times as much water. Replace the lid on the spray bottle and shake it gently. Spray the mixture on and around your hosta plants to keep deer and rabbits at bay. They do not like the taste of hot peppers and will avoid the area.


Step 5

As an alternative, pour 1 cup water into the blender. Crack an egg open and add it to the blender. Crack and add the other egg as well. Discard the egg shells. Place the lid on the blender and select a high-speed setting to whip the egg water mixture until thoroughly blended.

Step 6

Pour this mixture into a gallon-sized spray bottle. Fill with water and replace the lid. Shake gently. Squirt this mixture on the hosta leaves and surrounding area, including any other plants that may be eaten by deer or rabbits. Animals do not like the smell of decaying eggs.


Keep the lid on your glass jar of pepper concentrate and store it in the refrigerator for future use. Reapply the hot pepper mixture after every rain or every few days as needed.

The egg mixture is very sticky and won't need to be applied as often.


Be careful not to touch your eyes after handling hot peppers as your eyes will burn. Wash your hands thoroughly and do your best to avoid getting pepper juice on yourself at all.


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