Instructions for a Gilmour-Dial-A-Mix-Hose-End Sprayer

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Things You'll Need

  • Garden hose

  • Fan attachment

Gilmour manufactures products for your lawn care. The Dial-A-Mix sprayer is a hose-end sprayer that distributes insecticides, pesticides and fertilizer. The spray tank has an anti-siphon hose, so that the product you put in the sprayer siphons into the sprayer top and mixes with water. This lets you to keep the unused product for another use because the water does not dilute it in the tank.


Step 1

Hold the sprayer in one hand and turn the sprayer lid counterclockwise to loosen it. Pull the lid straight off. Pour the herbicide or pesticide in the sprayer tank. Replace the lid and tighten it clockwise.

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Step 2

Turn the dial on the lid to align the amount of teaspoons per gallon with the tip of the arrow on the top left side of the sprayer. Refer to the product you are administering to obtain the ratio of teaspoons per gallon.


Step 3

Insert a garden hose into the rear of the sprayer. Screw the garden hose clockwise to seal the sprayer on the hose. Turn the garden hose valve fully counterclockwise to obtain the greatest force of water. This will spray the chemicals in a stream up to 25 feet in distance.

Step 4

Squeeze the sprayer handle to apply the chemicals. Move the sprayer back and forth to spray an area in a stream of pesticide or herbicide. Release the handle to stop the flow.


Step 5

Insert the fan attachment over the nozzle of the sprayer and reduce the water flow of the hose to spray delicate plants or flowers with a fan of chemicals.

Step 6

Turn the garden hose clockwise to turn it off after finishing your spraying. Unscrew the hose from the sprayer and unscrew the top of the sprayer.

Step 7

Pour any chemical remaining in the sprayer back into the original container. Rinse the sprayer thoroughly with clean water.


Spray trees using a full force stream by standing back from the base about 25 feet. This keeps the chemicals from raining down on you.


Wash the sprayer after each use so you do not mix chemicals together. For instance, mixing weed killer with fertilizer together can kill the lawn or plants you are trying to fertilize.


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