How to Fix a Projector Screen With Paint

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Whether they are in a Hollywood movie, a business presentation or a home video, moving images on a projection screen are theatrical, dynamic and attention-grabbing. However, dirty or stained screens bear flecks and spots that distract the viewer. Discoloration and yellowing can also impair the true colors of the imagery. You can restore an old screen to pure neutrality and guarantee clean, clear images, using paint designed for projection surfaces.


Don't let a dirty screen spoil your presentation.

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Things You'll Need

  • Non-Abrasive Sponge

  • Stir Stick

  • Soft-Nap Paint Roller

  • Soft Brush

  • Plastic Primer

  • Projection Screen Paint

  • Oil-Free Detergent

Step 1

Sweep the screen with the brush to remove loose detritus.

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Step 2

Mix one part of detergent with five parts of hot water. Dip the sponge into the solution, and use it to blot away the stains. Let the screen dry.

Step 3

Stir the primer thoroughly. Paint the primer on the screen, using a soft-nap roller to avoid bristle lines that brushes can leave. If you plan to roll up the screen for storage, ensure that the primer is also flexible. Let the primer dry.

Step 4

Roll a light coat of paint on the screen. Let the first coat dry. Apply a second thin coat. Let it dry.


Latex screen paint offers the best flexibility.


As projection screens are typically made from vinyl, they must be primed with a product designed for use on plastics.

