How to Connect Finger Knitting Stripes

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Things You'll Need

  • Yarn

  • Crochet hook

  • Yarn needle

To finger knit, you slip-knot one end of the yarn to the thumb of your non-dominant hand, then weave the yarn in front of and behind alternating fingers. Any time you end up with two loops on one finger, draw the bottom-most loop up over the higher loop and off the back of your finger. Eventually the loops form a long, slender chain or stripe of stockinette stitch. You can use the stripes singly for bracelets and belts, or use one of several methods to join them together and create anything from scarves to blankets.


Crochet Slip Stitch

Step 1

Place the right sides -- that is, the stockinette sides that look like a series of parallel "v"s -- of two finger-knitted stripes together.

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Step 2

Tie a slip stitch in one end of a loose piece of yarn, leaving a six- to eight-inch tail. Locate the chain of loops on the edge of each finger-knitted stripe -- not the loops that make up the right-side "v"s, but the loops just behind those, toward the wrong side of the work.

Step 3

Poke the crochet hook through both finger-knitted stripes, going only through the loops you just identified. You now have three loops on your crochet hook -- the slip knot and one loop from each of the finger-knitted stripes.

Step 4

Wrap the loose yarn from back to front around the crochet hook. If you were looking at the hook straight on from the hook end, the wrap would be clockwise.


Step 5

Hook the yarn loop you just made, using the crochet hook, and draw it back through the three stitches already on the crochet hook. You now have one loop left on the crochet hook.

Step 6

Continue making slip stitches all the way to the end of the finger-knitted stripes: Poke the hook through one loop from each knitted stripe, ending up with three loops on the hook. Wrap the loose yarn around the crochet hook, then draw that yarn wrap back through all three loops, leaving you with one loop on the hook again.


Step 7

Thread each loose end of yarn through a yarn needle and weave them into the edges of the finger-knitted stripe.


Video of the Day

Step 1

Thread a piece of loose yarn through a yarn needle. Hold the two stripes you're going to join so their right sides are together.


Step 2

Tie a slip knot in one end of the loose yarn. Poke the needle through both knitted stripes, at the very end, then pull the needle and yarn through the slip knot you made, creating a knot to join the two finger-knitted stripes together. Position your work so the knot and joined ends of the stripes are to your right.



Step 3

Bring the yarn and needle back to the near side of your work. Poke the needle through both finger-knitted stripes, and carry it for several stitches to the left along the far side of your work before you bring it back toward you, through both of the finger-knitted stripes.

Step 4

Move the needle one stitch to the right. Poke it through to the far side of the joined stripes and carry it several stitches to the left; you'll pass the stitch where you made the furthest-left join. Then bring the needle and yarn back through the work toward you.


Step 5

Continue backtracking one or two stitches to the right on the near side of your work, then pushing the yarn through to the other side and advancing three or four stitches to the left. Then backtrack another one or two stitches on the near side of the fabric, before advancing again on the far side of the fabric. Once you get to the end of the stripes you're joining, use the yarn needle to weave in the loose tails of the yarn.



Step 1

Hold the ends of the stripes you'd like to join together, with the loose tail from each stripe bundled together. In order to use this method, you must leave about an eight-inch tail at the end of each stripe.

Step 2

Tie a loose overhand knot in all the tails, right up against where the actual finger-knitted stripes start. This joins the end of the stripes and creates a bungle of fringe.

Step 3

Do the same at the far end of the stripe. This works well for making a quirky scarf or belt from several stripes of the same length, but if you were very careful you could use stripes of graduated lengths to create a shawl joined at each end.

Step 4

Trim any loose tails so they're all the same length, like a piece of fringe.

