How to Freeze Cheese Sauce

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Things You'll Need

  • Rigid container

  • Marker or label

Top your favorite foods with this smooth sauce.

From covering your favorite vegetables to acting as a dipping sauce for breads and chips, cheese sauce is a handy accompaniment to a variety of meals and snacks. If you made a little more than you need or intentionally made extra to save for later, freezing it can help to keep it from going bad until you need it again. Little more than a few minutes of your time is all that's needed to freeze cheese sauce for unexpected future company or a quick snack.


Step 1

Reduce the temperature of the cheese sauce by placing it into the refrigerator for at least 15 minutes.

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Step 2

Scoop the cheese sauce into a rigid container with a lid.

Step 3

Write the date on the container with a pen or marker or attach a label to it.

Step 4

Place the container right-side up into the freezer.

Step 5

Consume or discard the frozen cheese sauce before 6 months to prevent spoiling.


Cheese sauce is tricky to thaw as the milk may curdle. Test the cheese sauce by freezing a small amount and thawing it out either in the refrigerator or over heat on the stove. If the results are acceptable to you freeze the rest. Thaw cheese sauce by leaving it in the refrigerator or heating it on the stove stirring constantly. Adding a pinch of cornstarch can help to thicken it up if it separates too much.


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