How to Cut Corkboard

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Cut a sheet of cork to make your own corkboard, or salvage an old, beat-up corkboard to reuse the cork for trivets or other craft projects. Scissors, utility knives, craft knives and even rotary cutters can be used to cut corkboard material; the best tool for the job depends upon the thickness of the cork.


Cutting With Scissors

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  • Use scissors for thin cork sheets, such as cork sold on a roll, designed for making your own corkboard or cork-covered decor pieces.
  • Set the cork on a flat, clean surface; then plot your cuts using a tape measure and a straightedge for straight lines.
  • Scissors can also cut curves in thin cork sheeting. Trace designs such as words or animal shapes with stencils or trace around cardboard cutouts; then trim the cork shapes to size with scissors.


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Utility Knives and Craft Knives

Utility knives and craft knives cut corkboard that feels too thick to cut with scissors. If the corkboard doesn't bend very far without cracking, it is probably too thick for scissors.


  • Use a straightedge such as a ruler to help make straight cuts along a pencil or marker line you've already drawn on the corkboard; otherwise, it may be difficult to cut the cork perfectly straight.
  • Place a cutting mat or sheet of corrugated cardboard, such as a flattened shipping box, beneath the cork before cutting it with a knife.
  • A rotary cutter may be used in place of a craft knife or utility knife, using a straightedge as a cutting guide.
  • A craft knife may also be used to trim up excess thin corkboard; for instance, when cutting the corkboard sheets to fit into an oval frame for a more decorative corkboard or painted pin board.

