How to Toast Bread in a Microwave

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Things You'll Need

  • Toaster oven

  • Microwave

  • Standard microwave safe plate

  • Tongs

  • Microwave safe plate with a rim

  • Toothpicks

Toast is warm and crunchy bread.

Toasting bread in a microwave is an expeditious way to prepare multiple pieces of warm bread at one time. If you only have a standard two-slice toaster -- or if your toaster is broken -- the microwave is a helpful first step to making toast. The difficulty with toasting bread in a microwave is that microwave energy is used to heat the water molecules in food. As a result, warming bread in the microwave will leave you with a soggy toast. The trick is to use the device in conjunction with a toaster oven.


Making Toast with a Microwave and Toaster Oven

Step 1

Plug in and preheat the toaster oven on low-to-medium heat -- if pre-heating is necessary -- for use in Step 3.

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Step 2

Place two to four slices of bread on a microwave-safe plate. Insert the plate into the microwave and close the door. Warm the bread on low-to-medium heat for 15 to 25 seconds. Use the microwave to warm the bread for expedited toasting.

Step 3

Remove the bread from the microwave. Open the toaster oven door. Pick up each piece of bread with a pair of tongs and place them into the oven. Close the door. Set the toaster oven timer for one to three minutes. Remove the bread when the timer "dings." The toaster oven gives the warm bread a crunch.


Making Toast With Only a Microwave

Step 1

Place two to four slices of bread on a microwave-safe plate. Use a plate with a rim.

Step 2

Break two to four toothpicks in half. Stick one toothpick piece under the bottom right corner of a piece of bread. Stick a second toothpick piece under the bottom left corner of the same piece of bread. Position the top corners on the plate rim. The bread is now elevated off the plate surface. Repeat for all slices of bread.


Step 3

Cook the bread on medium-to-high heat for 45 to 60 seconds. The lifting allows the bread to cook on all sides, allowing water to drip and vent from the bottom side -- resulting in warm and crispy bread. Avoid repeating this process with the same bread to prevent sogginess. Follow steps for toaster oven use in Section 1 if the bread is not as warm and crispy as you prefer.


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