Calamansi Tree Care

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Calamansi trees, known more commonly as calamondin trees, are small citrus fruit trees that are ornamental plants. The calamansi tree is indigenous to China. It was first introduced to America in the early 1900s. The calamansi fruit can be eaten in slices like an orange, and its acidic juice is used to flavor drinks and other types of food.



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The calamansi tree is very hardy for a citrus fruit tree. It is able to survive temperatures as low as 20 degrees Fahrenheit. With that said, calamansi trees still perform best when planted in areas with traditional citrus tree climates, such as southern U.S. states like Florida. Calamansi trees grow best when the temperature is between 70 and 90 degrees Fahrenheit. The calamansi tree is moderately tolerant of droughts but should be watered when the ground around the base of the tree becomes dry.

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Calamansi trees can be grown in pots indoors or in outdoor gardens. Soil is not a major concern when planting calamansi trees, as they can grow in sandy soil like that found in Florida as well as in the clay-rich soil of the Philippines. Carefully transplant an indoor tree that grows too large for its pot to a larger pot or a spot in your garden.



Fertilizer can be used to help calamansi trees grow to their full potential. Use a small amount of half strength water-soluble fertilizer once every five weeks or so during the winter months. Add a slow-release fertilizer at the beginning of spring, and fertilize with a full strength water-soluble fertilizer every month during the summer season.



Calamansi trees grow best in direct sunlight or half shade. Place plants in a well-lit area if growing them indoors. The more time indoor plants spend in sunlight during a day, the better. Indoor calamansi trees should be set outside for a few months during the warm season.



Use a sponge to gently water the leaves of your calamansi tree if they begin to look and feel dry. Dry leaves can lead to an infection of mites, which can damage the leaves and the fruit of your calamansi tree. Caribbean and Mediterranean fruit flies can also become a problem. If your tree becomes infested, you will need to spray it with an insecticide.

