Cures for Roof Spread

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Roof spread may necessitate drastic remodeling.
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Roof spread affects a roof that begins to move after it is installed. Factors that cause the situation include bad construction, improper materials and water and rot problems. Roof spread can be dangerous for a house and very damaging for a roof. So fixing the problem as soon as possible is vital. Unfortunately, the repair usually requires widespread remodeling.


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Roof spread is often caused by cut roof frames made from timber that was taken to the building site, sawed and put together on the spot. Using materials that way can make calculations for the roof difficult. Solving roof spread often involves switching to a different roof construction style and material, such as a trussed roof that is manufactured in a factory and put together off-site.

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Sticking with a timber-based roof frame requires a redesign. Roof spread is often the fault of the carpenter on site or the designer who made custom plans for the roof frame. After studying the roof, workers should be able to find where measurements or plans were wrong and repair them with a newly designed frame.


Collar Ties and Tie Beams

Collar ties and tie beams are both construction "fixes" that can be installed in a roof frame to help stop or solve roof spread issues. The tie beams are fixed to the rafters horizontally to stop them from spreading. The collar ties are used in a similar way. These methods can help stop roof spread before it starts to damage the roof and cause serious problems.


Size and Protection Adjustments

Roof size can vary according to building plans. Sometimes spread is caused by a roof that was designed to be too large. Oftentimes, breaking the roof into different sections with different slopes and angles can prevent roof spread by dispersing its weight in a different way. If the spread is influenced by moisture, then contractors also can build or install additional moisture barriers to keep the roof dry.

