Party Games & Ideas for a 49th Birthday Party

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He's almost there, but not quite 50. He's only one year away from crossing the half century mark. He's still not ready. If you're planning a 49th party for a close friend, plan something extraordinary to alleviate the anxiety over getting that much closer to 50.

Over the Hill Roast

Take the chance to poke fun at how old your friend is getting. Poking fun will show him that it's a joyous occasion and not a sad one. Decorate the room with "Over the Hill" balloons, hats, napkins and paper plates. It can be a fun night full of gags. Don't allow anyone to bring a real gift, only gag gifts. Give everyone a chance to toast the guest of honor with "over the hill" jokes and banter. Canes, Geritol and Ben-Gay can be funny gifts.


Video of the Day

Video of the Day

Relive the Birth Year

Dress up like people would have dressed in the year the birthday girl was born. Scour the Internet and the music stores to find songs that were popular during that year. Create a mix of music that you can play in the background at the party. Think of the foods that might have been popular back then and make those apart of the appetizers that you serve guests. Give out a prize for the best costume.


Prove that birthday boy is still in the same shape that he was in on his 29th birthday. Instead of sitting around eating cake and ice cream, challenge your friends to a marathon race or a mountain climb. All the guests may have to be prepared for months in advance, but let them end their 40s and go into their 50s with good health as the cornerstone of the way they live their life.


Murder Mystery

No game is as exciting as those that deal with life and death. To enjoy a murder mystery game at a birthday party, you can book yourself and your friends on a themed hotel weekend getaway or a murder mystery boat ride or plan your own murder mystery.


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