Gifts to Get an Ex-Girlfriend for Her Birthday

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Man giving woman gift
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Giving gifts to girlfriends is tricky enough, but when that girlfriend is your ex, the landmines can be everywhere. Thinking of your ex-girlfriend on her birthday is only natural, and giving her a gift is a friendly way to bury the hatchet. Begin by evaluating your motives. If you are trying to get her back, you may want to consider romantic gifts to send that message. If you are trying to build a friendship, get her something that reflects her interests and illustrates how thoughtful you are.


A Thoughtful Card

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Pile of candy
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If you are simply trying to be a nice guy and show her that you care and want to be friends, a thoughtful card will go a long way. Take some time to think about what you write. Consider the good times you shared and your hopes for the future. Include some candy or chocolate to make a simple card a more substantial gift.

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The Humor Angle

If you had a bad breakup, give her a voodoo doll of yourself with plenty of stick pins. Make a photo of your face into an iron-on and apply it to the doll. There are online services that will do this with an uploaded photo or you can do it at home with heat transfer paper and an ink jet printer. The self-deprecating humor will get her guard down, and may help you to build a friendship.


The Creative Gift

Mix tape
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Surprise her with a gift you made with your own two hands. Create a T-shirt with fabric paints and stencils with a funny phrase or a private joke the two of you shared. Make her an old-fashioned mix tape on an actual cassette tape or, if she doesn't have a player, on a CD. Decorate the case with a birthday theme. Whatever you make, taking the time to be creative will show her that you still care.


Rekindling Romance

Bouquet of flowers
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Flowers are the traditional symbol of love, and they are a common reconciliation gift. If you are working to get your ex-girlfriend back on her birthday, go all out. Get her the largest, flashiest bouquet you can find, complete with helium balloons, stuffed animals and a musical card. Have it brought to her house by a singing delivery person in a monkey suit. Do everything within your means to knock her socks off.


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