The Ratio of Ammonia & Lemon Juice to Water for Mosquito Control

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Mosquitos can quickly ruin your enjoyment of your time outdoors, and what is more, their bites can carry disease and can be dangerous. Luckily, you can quickly mix up homemade mosquito repellent for yards using household items. You can combine ammonia, lemon juice and water for a homemade yard spray for mosquitos that you can utilize to deter these pesky insects.


Homemade Mosquito Spray for Yards

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For your homemade yard mosquito spray to work effectively, you need to use the proper ratio of all the ingredients. Luckily, the balance is straightforward to remember: You need to use equal parts of all three elements in your spray. You don't have to utilize fresh lemon juice for your homemade spray. Bottled is fine but be sure that it doesn't have any extra ingredients, especially anything sweet. Mosquitos love sugar and sweet things, so using those would be counterproductive.

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You can use regular tap water. Tepid or room-temperature water is best, but any temperature will work. You can purchase ammonia at a hardware or home goods store. Be very cautious when you pour it and when you use the spray, as ammonia is toxic. Always store it out of the reach of children.


Combine all three of these ingredients in a plastic or glass spray bottle. It will keep for months, but you should dispose of it and use a new mix every spring.

How to Use Homemade Yard Spray for Mosquitos

Using your homemade spray is almost as simple as making it. Spray it generously around the affected area, especially around the perimeter. If you're spraying a deck or porch, concentrate on the floor and railings. If you're spraying a yard area, don't get too much in one spot or it could kill the grass or other plants.


This mosquito spray is considerably less toxic than most commercial brands, which often contain DEET. The amounts of ammonia are safe for children and pets; just allow the spray to dry for a few hours before they go outside to play.

As a general guideline, mix 16 to 24 ounces for a deck or porch or up to 20 gallons for an entire garden or lawn. Using this mixture in a standard sprayer should cover a large area more efficiently. Be sure that there are no residues of other cleaners in it, though, as it is toxic to mix ammonia with some other substances, especially bleach and oxidizing gases.


Other DIY Mosquito Control Tips and Tricks

You can do other things to control the mosquito population in your yard. First, remove anything that is attracting the mosquitos in the first place. Standing water is very appealing to them, so if you have a drainage issue, you will need to take care of it. You should consider installing a fountain to keep the water circulating if you have a pond nearby. Birdbaths, clogged gutters and even plants that hold water around their roots will attract these bugs.


While mosquitos can withstand some heat, they need shade and cool temperatures, especially when looking for a good area to lay eggs. If your standing water is shaded, that's an even more appealing area for mosquitos. Mosquitos also love certain smells, especially florals. If there are a good number of flowers in your yard, you can expect more insects in general. Finally, they're attracted to dark colors, so use light-colored furnishings whenever possible.

