Types of Menu Cards

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Image Credit: knife fork and menu image by Warren Millar from <a href='http://www.fotolia.com'>Fotolia.com</a>

Menu cards come in a variety of styles and sizes. Customize one according to the style and feel of your event. Do not be afraid to play with color, print menus on unconventional paper products and experiment with creativity. Work with your caterer or wedding planner to get ideas for interesting menu cards that will impress your guests because they are different.


Tall and Skinny Menu

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Select a tall and skinny menu card with dimensions that are roughly 4 inches by 9.25 inches. You can slip this non-standard card into the fold of a napkin. The tall and skinny menu card comes in a variety of colors and designs, and often you can customize this card to fit your event needs. One card will cost you around $1.60, depending on the style and company.

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Mini Menu Booklet

You will give guests something to thumb through while they wait for the bride and groom or other guests to arrive at the reception with a miniature menu booklet. Ask your stationer to put together a palm-size booklet with a course per page. Often this menu booklet, which also may be called an invitation journal, is tied with a colorful ribbon. Menu booklets cost about $17 each.


Fan Menu

For a twist on the ordinary, have your menu printed on a fan. This works especially well at a summer wedding or other outdoor event where guests would appreciate a little extra air. Dimensions run roughly 11.25 inches by 7.25 inches and cost about $1 each.


Square Menus

Select a square menu card. The non-standard shape will catch the eye of guests. Square menu cards come in a variety of colors and can be customized with graphics that fit your wedding reception or event. An example of a dimesion is 5.25 inches by 5.25 inches. Square menu cards cost about $1.50 per card, depending on style and stationary company.


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