Aromat Ingredients

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Seasoned chicken and potatoes with tomatos on a plate.
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The German company Knorr manufactures Aromat seasoning, although the seasoning itself is a product of Switzerland. Users sprinkle the seasoning on just about any savory dish.


Main Ingredients

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A shaker spilling salt.
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Iodized salt makes up the largest amount of Aromat's volume. Manufacturers refine salt until it consists of pure sodium chloride, then add iodine to prevent caking. Aromat provides 240 mg (10 percent of the recommended daily allowance) of sodium per quarter teaspoon serving. Monosodium glutamate (MSG), comprises the second largest amount of volume in Aromat, followed by the milk sugar lactose. Wheat starch provides a filler in the seasoning.

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Secondary Ingredients

Garlic bulb and cloves on a wood cutting board.
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Onion and garlic powders add flavor. Yeast extract results from the processing of yeast cells and also contains monosodium glutamate. Oils in Aromat include palm and sunflower. Dried onions and dried Porcini mushrooms make up a small amount of the total volume of Aromat seasoning. The final ingredient is a vague "spices." Many seasoning companies do not wish to divulge the actual spice formula they use to avoid copy-cat products.



Ground turmeric on brown paper.
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Calcium silicate keeps the seasoning from caking and forming clumps. Turmeric and caramel color "add [an] appetizing hue to foods," according to Amazon. Although used for color, turmeric holds many beneficial properties for human health, but the amount of turmeric present in Aromat is not likely to provide many health benefits.

