Present Ideas for a 15-Year-Old Boyfriend

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Find the perfect gift for your boyfriend's birthday.

Buying a gift for your 15-year-old boyfriend can be a difficult process. It is a balance of spending the right amount of money without giving a gift that makes him feel pressured by the relationship. The gift can remind him of you, but should also be something that he enjoys.


Movie Passes

Video of the Day

Get a pair of movie passes to his favorite theater. You can also buy a gift certificate for the concession stand to give along with the passes. Dress this gift up with a nice card or give it with a bag of popcorn.

Video of the Day

iTunes Gift Card

Give a gift card so he can download his favorite songs. If he doesn't have an iPod, you can buy him a CD from his favorite band. This gift will show him you understand his taste in music.


A Personalized CD or mp3 Player

Burn him a CD of songs you have enjoyed together. Include "your" song on the CD or any songs that have a special meaning to both of you. You can give this gift with some candy or a card. You could also purchase an inexpensive mp3 player and load it up with songs.


A Movie Gift Box

Give him a copy of his favorite DVD or one he has talked about. Put it in a box with a bag or two of popcorn and other movie theater snacks such as king-sized candy bars and a few bottles of soda.


A T-Shirt or Sweatshirt

Give him a T-shirt or sweatshirt with his favorite team's logo on it. You could also give him a novelty T-shirt with an inside joke or one with his favorite things on it. Look online for unique T-shirts not available in stores.


Concert or Game Tickets

Buy him tickets so you can attend a concert or a sporting event together. Choose a band he loves or a sport he spends a lot of time watching. Check with your parents to be sure they will drive you or chaperone if they need to.


Video Game

Choose a video game you know he wants because he has been talking about it. You can dress this up by also providing a snack pack with junk food such as soda, chips and candy.

