Wisconsin Robin Engine Specs

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Wisconsin Robin produced small lawn mower engines such as the one pictured above.

Wisconsin Robin is an engine type used on lawn mowers and small utility carts until the late 1990s. Robin's largest contract with and distributor was with Snapper lawnmowers. When Snapper went out of business, Wisconsin Robin also went under and eventually became Subaru Robin, which produces generator engines. Wisconsin Robin engine specifications depend on the engine type.


Engine Label

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All Wisconsin Robin engines bore an eight-digit specification label, located on the blower housing, for the 600, 700, 800 and 900 series engines. The last three digits of the specification label indicates the specific part of the engine that had changed, a change as simple as the paint color to a PTO to a different bolt on the crank case. This was Fuji's (the Robin Engine production company) way of keeping track of the changes.

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2 Cycle Engines

The two-cycle Wisconsin Robin Engines were produced almost exclusively for Snapper lawnmowers and had a vertical drive for spinning the lawn mower blade. The muffler is mounted directly on the left side of the two-cycle engine on all models. The mixed gas tank is located behind the blower housing where the pull start is located.


Crank Shafts

The Wisconsin Robin engine has a feature not common at the time. The crank shaft housing rotated on ball bearings creating little friction and allowing the crank shaft to operate without excessively overheating.


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