Year 6 Graduation Ideas

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Decorate the graduation hall with school colors such as red and blue.

A six-year graduation is a major transition for children nearing the start of adolescence, as this graduation closes the end of their elementary school days. Creating a meaningful event is vital for both the children and parents. Highlight their memories by carefully considering the music and decor options for the ceremony and reception party. Write a speech that expresses the joy of this transition along with their new roles as budding adolescents.



Video of the Day

Choose food and drinks that both the parents and the kids will enjoy during and after the graduation. Not all graduations are catered, but just adding snacks can add more appeal to the event. A year 6 graduation is not overly formal, but it's not casual either. Good options for food include chicken salad, turkey and roast beef finger sandwiches, along with sherbet ice cream fruit punch. Cut-up vegetables and fruit also work for well for a year six graduation. Avoid messy foods, as most of the people attending will likely wear nice clothing.

Video of the Day

Custom Cup Cakes for Every Child in the Class

Gather one recent photo for each child in the graduating class. Take these photos to the baker and ask for custom cup cakes with each child's face printed on the dessert. Many bakeries have machines that can scan an image and make it into an edible sheet that is used to decorate cakes and cupcakes. The bakers enlarge or shrink the images to fit the specific baked item. Place the finished cupcakes on a display table on graduation day. Give the parents and other school attendants a chance to take pictures of the cup cakes before everyone digs in.


Scrapbook / Guestbook

Make a scrapbook that also serves as a guest book. Create layouts with pictures of the children in the graduation class from Kindergarten through their 6th year at school. Ask the kids to bring in pictures if you are not able to find photos for every year. Many schools keep extra school pictures of each year for yearbooks, but not all schools are alike. Embellish some of the pages with paper crafts or letters that the kids wrote to their teachers. Pictures of science fairs and other school events also work for this type of scrapbook. Decorate the border pages with graduation hat sticker embellishments and encourage parents to sign their name along with words of advice and encouragement for the kids. Take the finished scrapbook to a print shop and have them make custom professional photocopied books of all the pages in the scrapbook and give one to each student in the graduating class.


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