The Disadvantages of Genetically Modified Roses

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Genetic research can change the nature of roses.

All organisms have DNA, which stores instructions for cell division to determine how an organism behaves. Scientists have found ways to alter this DNA to change the way plants grow, creating various plants with unusual properties. For example, in Japan, scientists have developed roses with blue petals. However, some individuals may find disadvantages with the genetically modified roses.


Price Control

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Genetically modified plants sometimes become too expensive because the genetic engineers alter the plants in ways that prevent gardeners from harvesting the seeds and regrowing the plants, which allows the genetic engineers the ability to raise prices whenever they want. Customers might find the genetically modified roses too expensive.


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The debate over the superiority of genetically modified plants such as roses may be overhyped, and conventional growing techniques might work better than growing techniques using genetic engineering.



Some individuals are purists and consider genetically modified plants to be an aberration of nature. They prefer to grow plants the traditional way. When scientists release genetically modified roses into the marketplace, consumers might have a difficult time finding the traditional kinds of roses that are not modified genetically.


Undesireable Effects

Those who plant genetically modified roses may find that these roses become too hardy and that the gardeners are unable to get rid of them using herbicides. This problem is an example of the unpredictable nature of genetically modifying plants and other organisms. Scientists do not always fully understand how genetically modifying a particular organism will affect that organism, and this tinkering might create undesirable side effects. While the initially modified roses might have desirable properties, when these plants reproduce, there is less certainty about which genes in the rose will be passed on to a new generation and which genes won't.


Changed Soils

Some of the genes put into genetically modified roses can end up in other organisms in the soil, creating new strains that biologists and farmers might not understand, which can create new problems that will require more research to solve and that might not be solvable.


Pesticide Resistance

Genetically modifying plants such as roses can create breeds of roses that can resist pests, which can reduce the cost of raising these roses. However, the insects that feed on the roses can eventually develop pesticide resistance, making them more difficult to control.


Rose Nature

Genetic engineering can lead to roses that can have various smells, such as butterscotch and root beer, which can create roses in the marketplace that have special novelty as gifts. However, by genetically modifying the smell of the roses, these roses lose the original nature that defined the plant.

