Costume Ideas for a Beatles Song Party

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A walrus lies on a bed of ice with tusks hanging out.
Image Credit: HowardPerry/iStock/Getty Images

Beatles songs are great inspirations for costume parties. While a majority of the Beatles' early songs are simple love songs, such as "She Loves You" and "Please Please Me," and harder to emulate with a costume, many of the songs in the band's mid to later years paint colorful pictures and lend themselves to fun costume ideas.


"I Am the Walrus"

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The Beatles' "I Am the Walrus" was one of the band's most surreal songs and lends itself well to a song costume because of its colorful imagery. You could take the song title literally and come dressed as a walrus, putting on dark clothes and attaching some white tusks to your face. John Lennon wore a similar costume on the cover of the band's "Magical Mystery Tour" album. Consider coming dressed up as Paul McCartney since, as John Lennon said in the band's song "Glass Onion," "The walrus is Paul." Or come dressed up as a representation of the song's lyrics. For example, you could reference the words "I am the eggman" and come dressed up as an egg.

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"Mean Mr. Mustard"

"Mean Mr. Mustard" is part of a medley that appears on the Beatles' final album, "Abbey Road." The song tells the story of a "dirty old man" who "sleeps in the park." Create a tribute to John Lennon's sinister character with a "Mean Mr. Mustard" costume. Take the song title literally and cover yourself in mustard or yellow-colored paint. Walk around with a scowl and wear dingy, dirty clothes.



The song "Birthday" appears on the Beatles' self-titled album, commonly known as "The White Album." It's a blues-based song that's about celebrating a birthday. An outfit inspired by "Birthday" would work well at costume party, especially a birthday costume party. Dress up like a cake or wear a party hat that says "Happy Birthday."


"Eleanor Rigby"

Go against the grain and wear a depressing costume. The dreary "Eleanor Rigby" appears on the Beatles' 1966 album, "Revolver." The song tells the story of two lonely people: Eleanor Rigby and Father McKenzie. Dress up as Rigby and walk around with a jar, since she wears "a face that she keeps in a jar by the door." For Father McKenzie, dress up like a priest and walk around with a pair of socks in reference to the line "darning his socks in the night when there's nobody there."


"Old Brown Shoe"

Give George Harrison some attention at party and wear a costume inspired by his "Old Brown Shoe," the B side to the single "The Ballad of John and Yoko." You could wear a pair of old brown shoes or create a full-sized brown-shoe costume. Consider referencing some of the song's lyrics. Harrison sings "When I grow up, I'll be a singer wearing rings on every finger." You could play this character and come dressed as a singer wearing rings on each of your fingers.


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