35Th Wedding Anniversary Party Ideas

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Are you celebrating a 35th wedding anniversary? Are you organizing a 35th wedding anniversary party for someone else? Either way, if you're looking for ideas on how to make this special day even more memorable, you've come to the right place! Here are ideas for a successful event.


Theme Party

Video of the Day

Throw a party where the theme is the year the couple got married. For example, if the couple got married in 1975, send groovy invitations.

Video of the Day

Next, set up your playlist. Include The Captain and Tennille, Glen Campbell and John Denver. Don't forget that this was the beginning of the disco era, so you'll definitely want your guests to "Do the Hustle," as well as some "Kung Fu Fighting" and "Jive Talkin'."

If you're planning on having the television on during the party, play DVDs of popular TV shows from 1975. If the lucky couple enjoys comedies, play All in the Family, Laverne and Shirley or Rhoda. Is the couple more into dramas? Then play Starsky and Hutch, Kojak or The Bionic Woman.

You may want to ask your guests to dress in the style of 1975, and if you can find some Tab to serve, that would be a kick, too!


Dinner Ideas

There are many variations on a traditional dinner party:

Holding a sit-down dinner at a restaurant, hotel or rental facility is a lovely option. This is especially sentimental if the party is held at the same place as the wedding reception 35 years earlier.


Having a catered reception at someone's home is another option. Being in someone's home lends a personal touch and a sense of intimacy to the occasion.

A backyard barbecue makes for a fun party, too, especially if there'll be a lot of children in attendance. This way the kids may play while the adults socialize.


Throwing a potluck dinner is the least expensive option, and often the most fun. Because many couples don't need or want gifts, the dish can serve as the present.


The traditional gift for the 35th wedding anniversary is coral, and the modern gift is jade. Because coral and jade are both colors, incorporate those colors into the party.


Look for coral- and jade-colored tablecloths and paper products. A true coral may be hard to find, but peach, orange, pink or salmon can be easily substituted. For jade, going with any shade of green is fine.

There's no official flower for the 35th wedding anniversary, so you get to use your imagination here. Use the same flowers as were in the bridal bouquet for centerpieces, or use fresh-cut flowers from a loved one's yard. If you choose not to use flowers for centerpieces, candles in coral or jade would be beautiful.


Even though the details are the most important part of the planning stage, in the end it's the spirit of the party that everyone will remember. No matter how you choose to celebrate a 35th wedding anniversary, you can make it a memorable event for everyone.

