Valentine Ideas for a Church Function

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Valentine's Day is a time to celebrate romantic love, but it is also a time to celebrate lifelong relationship between a husband and wife. A marriage goes through many stages as the husband and wife grow in and out of love with each other. A wonderful idea for a church function celebrating Valentine's Day is to have a romantic dinner with a message of a realistic approach to marriage.


True Love

Video of the Day

Many couples go into marriage believing it will be all roses and romance and find out all too soon that marriage is hard and often lacking romance. This Valentine's Day dinner can be cold-cut sandwiches on paper plates, as the message of the dinner matters more than what is served.

Video of the Day

True love is a love that withstands the trials found in marriage. It is there whether or not you have money. It is there even when the bills are behind and the children are running you ragged. It is there when you don't want to be married anymore. It is a love designed after God's love.


Describing True and Lasting Love

Steadfast love—Job 10:12 and Psalm 90:14 Unfailing love-Psalm 23:6 Steady love-Psalm 33:18 Love, faithfulness-Proverbs 16:6 True love cannot be quenched-Song of Songs 8:7 Marriage on earth, relationship in heaven-Mark 12:18-27 Undying love-Ephesians 6:24 Mutual love-Hebrews 13:1, 1 Peter 1:22 Love's forgiving power-1 Peter 4:8 Affection with love-2 Peter 1:7 Actions speak louder than words-1 John 3:18 Love dearly, tenderly-Revelations 3:19


Each of these verses gives direction on how to love within your marriage. The instructions that are given are written with God's desire for all of us to have the best in our marriages. Song of Songs 8:7 - Many waters cannot quench love; rivers cannot wash it away. If one were to give all he wealth of his house for love, it would be utterly scorned. Ephesians 6:24 - Grace to all who love our Lord Jesus Christ with an undying love.


More than Roses and Chocolates

For couples who have been married for years, it can really touch the heart to see the things that brought them together are still there. This type of Valentine's Day celebration will do far more for the marriages than a box of chocolates or a dozen roses can do.
