Games to Play on Ladies' Night Out

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Every now and then women need a break from their everyday routines. It is always fun to spend time with girlfriends and gossip about what is going on with everyone without the constant interruptions of children and/or spouses. Plan a fun game to play and wait for the laughter to ensue.


Wine Teasers

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Wine Teasers is a fun game to play for wine lovers. To play, teams take turns answering and discussing questions related to wine. Correct answers lead to opportunities to select wines for team wine cellars. The first team with a full wine cellar wins. The game can be played with two to 30 people. Ask each invitee to bring her favorite bottle of wine to share with the others while playing. Since wine and cheese go hand in hand, serve several different cheeses to pair with each type of wine. You can purchase this game online or at most specialty wine stores.


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Have a poker ngiht with your girlfriends. Texas Hold'em is a popular and easy for beginners to play. Let your friends know about the get together by sending out poker-themed invitations. For snacks, serve chips, dips and pretzels. Also, serve several different types of beers for your friends to try.


Box of Questions

Another game to play on ladies night out is Box of Questions. Have each woman write a fun question on a piece of paper and drop it in the box. Then each person picks a paper from the box and must answer the question. This is a twist on the old game "Truth or Dare." It is so much fun and sure to bring many laughs among the ladies.


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