Homemade Tin Man Costume

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The Wizard of Oz is always a popular theme during the Halloween season. The Tin Man was a character from the movie who was intent on finding a heart of his own. If you or your child is set on being the Tin Man this year, don't run out and purchase an expensive store bought costume. Instead, remember there is really no place like home. Raid your closets to find most of the key pieces for this ensemble.


Items required and assembly

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Locate an old pair of jeans, an old puffy coat, a gray stocking cap, a pair of shoes, a set of gray gloves, and an old gray sweatshirt. If you do not have these items in your home, purchase them second hand or try to borrow them. Cover all these articles, except the gloves, loosely in duct tape. Do not pull the tape tightly. It would make the form shapeless and is also very uncomfortable to wear.

Video of the Day

Make the body

Find a cardboard box that is large enough to fit over the upper half of the body. Cut one larger hole in the bottom of the box for the head and two other smaller ones on each side for the arms. Do not discard the left over pieces of cardboard. The top of the box should be left open to fit the body. Fasten aluminum foil to the entire box with duct tape. Cover any brown that is showing with silver spray paint.



Attach a silver funnel to the gray stocking cap with duct tape. Cut a heart shape out of the unused cardboard box and paint it red. Affix the Tin Man's heart to the silver cardboard body with glue.


Finishing touches

Paint you or your child's face with Halloween silver face paint. Give your child the gray gloves, put on his or her duct tape covered shoes, and send him out to trick or treat, or head out for a party of your own.

