Fiberglass Pool Removal

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Fiberglass pools require professional removal.

Fiberglass pools will eventually need to be replaced. Fiberglass is a strong material, but if it is not taken care of, it will deteriorate quickly. If your pool has reached this point then removal and replacement is necessary. Fiberglass pool removal should always be handled by a professional demolition team.



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The cost for removing a fiberglass pool can be very expensive. In some cases the cost of removal may be more than what the pool cost in the first place. The average cost for fiberglass pool removal is between $6,000 and $15,000. The cost will vary depending on what services are done and if the pool is demolished for replacement or for elimination. Some companies will charge as little as $3,000 for a partial demolition and no hole refill. It is important to consider the high cost of removal before deciding if you want to remove the pool.


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The removal of a fiberglass pool is complicated and simple at the same time. While the process looks easy, there are many steps to it. First the pool is drained of all water. Pool removal must occur on a dry day to avoid mud and to prevent equipment from sinking into the ground. A saw is used to cut the fiberglass into manageable pieces. Large machinery is used to remove the pieces from the pool hole. All pipes, supporting pieces, electrical wiring and reinforcing materials are removed as well. Large machinery is used to break away pool decking and other surrounding materials. When the materials have been carted away, a new pool can be fitted or the hole can be filled with compacted dirt.


Choosing a Professional

Fiberglass pool removal is a nearly impossible do-it-yourself task. A professional is required for the job. The right professional will make a difference in how smoothly the removal process goes. You want to choose a demolition team that is practiced in pool removal and that knows the process for your area. There are usually many city and county regulations that change how pool removals are completed in each city. In many cases there are permits and licenses that must be obtained before demolition can begin. Look for a contractor that will offer these permits without requiring you to find and obtain them yourself. You will also want to choose a contractor who will provide a detailed estimate before starting the project. Make sure a party is identified for unexpected expenses.

